The internet is chock-full of sources for information, but one must be mindful of the reliability of these sources. With the ease of setting up websites and blogs, anyone can claim to be an expert in a particular area and dish out information that the masses lap up being none the wiser.
Bearing this in mind, I ensure that all information obtained from the internet come from reliable sources before deciding to act on them. The credentials of the author, readership of the site and comments made by the public are important factors to consider. Otherwise it'll just make for leisure reading.
There are some online sources that I use on a regular basis and have mapped these in my personal learning network:
Facebook serves as my resident portal to note interesting things I have come across whilst on Wikipedia or Youtube and depending on the usefulness of the information, it might be shared with others on my Facebook list. Otherwise I would just keep it private to be revisited later.
As per Joyce's recommendation, I am also exploring Evernote as a tool to store and share information. On the cloud and available as a mobile app, it seems promising to consider using it for the long-term.
Like you writing style! I will be visiting here more often :)